के बारे में ke baare mein : Biology
लेख का शीर्षक lekh ka sheershak: The situations that create or aggravate droughts
The situations that create or aggravate droughts
Droughts occur when a long period of abnormally dry weather leads to a severe water shortage. Droughts are also often caused by the activity of humans and can have devastating effects.
Human activities causing drought
Human activities that can help trigger droughts include: Widespread cutting down of trees for fuel reduces the soil’s ability to hold water - drying out the ground, triggering desertification and leading to drought. Constructing a dam on a large river may help provide electricity and water to irrigate farmland near the reservoir. However, it may also cause drought downstream by severely reducing the flow of water.
उस लेख के बारे में us lekh ke baare mein The situations that create or aggravate droughts
Articles containing about The situations that create or aggravate droughts , hopefully can give the best answer. Okay, so my posts.
तुम सिर्फ पढ़ा है tum sirph padha hai The situations that create or aggravate droughts और इस लेख के बाद स्थायी शामिल करने के लिए उद्धृत किया जा सकता aur is lekh ke baad sthaayee shaamil karane ke lie uddhrt kiya ja sakata https://axaj.blogspot.com/2016/07/the-situations-that-create-or-aggravate.html यह लेख एक साथी खोज नहीं है, तो yah lekh ek saathee khoj nahin hai, to Biology शायद नीचे लेख पाल मदद कर सकते हैं shaayad neeche lekh paal madad kar sakate hain.
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