Write a short note on the flora and fauna of India. OR Why has India a rich heritage of flora and fauna ?

Write a short note on the flora and fauna of India. OR Why has India a rich heritage of flora and fauna ? - स्वागत svaagat सवाल और जवाब savaal aur javaab, in this article entitled Write a short note on the flora and fauna of India. OR Why has India a rich heritage of flora and fauna ? , I will discuss about Geography, while also providing the right information to be useful for my friend , for I share the information based on what I know , if there is a mistake you can leave a comment or contact us on the menu that has been provided.

के बारे में ke baare mein : Geography
लेख का शीर्षक lekh ka sheershak: Write a short note on the flora and fauna of India. OR Why has India a rich heritage of flora and fauna ?

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Write a short note on the flora and fauna of India. OR Why has India a rich heritage of flora and fauna ?

Write a short note on the flora and fauna of India. OR Why has India a rich heritage of flora and fauna ?

The term flora is used to denote plants and the term fauna is used to denote animal species of a particular region or period. India is rich in flora and fauna and is marked by great biodiversity.

With about 47,000 plant species, India occupies tenth place in the world and fourth in Asia in plant diversity. 15,000 flowering plants are endemic or indigenous to India. They account for 6 per cent of world’s total number of flowering plants. A large number of nonflowering plants like ferns, algae and fungi are also found in India. Plants of all climatic regions ranging from tropical to Tundra are found in India. India is rich in fauna or animal life also. It has more than 89,000 species of animals and 1200 species of birds. 13 percent of the world’s total number of birds are found in India. 5 to 8 percent of the world’s amphibians are found in India. It has 2500 species of fishes in its marine and freshwaters. This accounts for nearly 12 percent of the world’s stock. India is the only country in the world which has both lions and tigers.

उस लेख के बारे में us lekh ke baare mein Write a short note on the flora and fauna of India. OR Why has India a rich heritage of flora and fauna ?

Articles containing about Write a short note on the flora and fauna of India. OR Why has India a rich heritage of flora and fauna ? , hopefully can give the best answer. Okay, so my posts.

तुम सिर्फ पढ़ा है tum sirph padha hai Write a short note on the flora and fauna of India. OR Why has India a rich heritage of flora and fauna ? और इस लेख के बाद स्थायी शामिल करने के लिए उद्धृत किया जा सकता aur is lekh ke baad sthaayee shaamil karane ke lie uddhrt kiya ja sakata https://axaj.blogspot.com/2016/07/write-short-note-on-flora-and-fauna-of.html यह लेख एक साथी खोज नहीं है, तो yah lekh ek saathee khoj nahin hai, to Geography शायद नीचे लेख पाल मदद कर सकते हैं shaayad neeche lekh paal madad kar sakate hain.

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