के बारे में ke baare mein : Geography
लेख का शीर्षक lekh ka sheershak: Give the main causes for depletion of biodiversity in India
Give the main causes for depletion of biodiversity in India
The varied climate and landform of India support of rich variety of natural vegetation. But only about 23 per cent of the land area of India is at present under forests. It is far lower than the desired 33 per cent outlined in the National Forest Policy.
The main reasons behind the reduction of the natural vegetation of India are as follows :
(i) Deforestation. Large areas of forests have been recklessly cleared by man due to the following reasons :
- (a) to meet the growing demand for cultivated land,
- (b) to acquire land for setting up industries,
- (c) to provide land for settlement and urbanisation.
(iii) Mining. Large areas are cleared of natural vegetation for the purpose of mining.
(iv) Constructional activities like building of dams submerge areas of valuable forests and destruct the natural vegetation.
(v) Natural hazards like forest fires and landslides affect natural vegetation in hilly areas. The Tsunami of 2004.
(vi) Cyclonic storms affect plant cover of the areas where they strike. Overgrazing of pastures.
(vii) Wiped off valuable rainforests in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
These above mentioned human-made and natural factors have accelerated the process of extinction of natural vegetation in India.
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तुम सिर्फ पढ़ा है tum sirph padha hai Give the main causes for depletion of biodiversity in India और इस लेख के बाद स्थायी शामिल करने के लिए उद्धृत किया जा सकता aur is lekh ke baad sthaayee shaamil karane ke lie uddhrt kiya ja sakata https://axaj.blogspot.com/2016/07/give-main-causes-for-depletion-of.html यह लेख एक साथी खोज नहीं है, तो yah lekh ek saathee khoj nahin hai, to Geography शायद नीचे लेख पाल मदद कर सकते हैं shaayad neeche lekh paal madad kar sakate hain.
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