Give a brief description of tropical evergreen forest

Give a brief description of tropical evergreen forest - स्वागत svaagat सवाल और जवाब savaal aur javaab, in this article entitled Give a brief description of tropical evergreen forest, I will discuss about Geography, while also providing the right information to be useful for my friend , for I share the information based on what I know , if there is a mistake you can leave a comment or contact us on the menu that has been provided.

के बारे में ke baare mein : Geography
लेख का शीर्षक lekh ka sheershak: Give a brief description of tropical evergreen forest

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Give a brief description of tropical evergreen forest

Give a brief description of tropical evergreen forest

Tropical evergreen forests are found in areas receiving heavy rainfall of over 200 cm, well distributed throughout the year. They are also known as rainforests.

The warm, wet climate throughout the year supports luxuriant vegetation of all kinds including trees, shrubs and creepers. The trees grow very tall, reaching a height of 60 metres. As the trees grow very close to each other they form a thick canopy. The different types of vegetation form a multi-layered structure. The climate supports large number of broad-leafed trees of different species. Ebony, mahogany, rosewood, rubber, cinchona are commercially important trees.

These trees donot shed their leaves at the same time as there is no distinct dry season. This makes the forests evergreen as they retain their green look throughout the year.

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तुम सिर्फ पढ़ा है tum sirph padha hai Give a brief description of tropical evergreen forest और इस लेख के बाद स्थायी शामिल करने के लिए उद्धृत किया जा सकता aur is lekh ke baad sthaayee shaamil karane ke lie uddhrt kiya ja sakata यह लेख एक साथी खोज नहीं है, तो yah lekh ek saathee khoj nahin hai, to Geography शायद नीचे लेख पाल मदद कर सकते हैं shaayad neeche lekh paal madad kar sakate hain.

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